Sep 28, 2024

District #7
P.O. Box 50275
Idaho Falls, ID 83405-0275

District #7 Post Commanders, Officers and Legion Family,

Our annual District 7 Fall Meeting of the American Legion Department of Idaho is scheduled for Saturday, September 28, 2024, in Driggs, ID.

Meeting logistics are listed on the last pages.

A few items of business:

1. Bring any resolutions or business with you for our business meeting.

2. Your post consolidated report is one of the most important documents you submit on an annual basis. I encourage each Post Commander to keep an up-to-date record somewhere, so you do not have to try to regurgitate the information when the report is due. This document lets people outside the District and Department know what you are doing, and this information is used by the National Commander when meeting with Congress. Please pay a lot of attention to this very important form.

3. For the Posts that absolutely cannot make the District meeting we will send out minutes of the meeting for your information. It would be great if you can send at least one representative to the meeting. Also, send me or the District Adjutant your Post report so we can read into the minutes if you cannot make the meeting.


Ken Lembrich, Commander
District #7


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